Best Online Python Course

Learn Python for Web Development and Software Development


Time to learn Python! Join the best Python course for beginners, master programming fundamentals, create apps and games, and earn your certificate. Dive into Python's limitless possibilities today!

Price ₹6,000 ₹999

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python online course

2 weeks

Live sessions


No Pre-recorded lecture

Course Content

  • What is Python programming language?
  • Advantages and applications of Python
  • Installation of Python
  • Python Keywords
  • The statement, Indentation, and Comment in Python
  • Rule of Variables in Python
  • Taking input
  • Output Using print() function
  • Output Formatting
  • What are operators in Python?
  • Types of operators
  • Arithmetic operator
  • Assignment operator
  • Comparison operator
  • Logical operator
  • Bitwise operator
  • Special operators
  • Ternary Operator
  • Get the Type of data type
  • Numbers
  • Python String
  • Python List
  • Python Tuples
  • Python Sets
  • Python Dictionary
  • Type Conversion
  • Python Conditional statements
  • Python For Loop
  • Python While Loop
  • Python break statement
  • Python continue statement
  • Python pass statement
  • Access characters/elements in a string
  • Concatenation of two or more string
  • String Slicing
  • Iterating string
  • Delete or Change String
  • String Formatting
  • String Methods
  • Escape Characters
  • Knowing the size of the list
  • Adding elements to a list
  • Accessing elements from the list
  • Delete or Remove elements from the list
  • Slicing of a list
  • Iterating a list
  • List Comprehension
  • Nested list
  • List Methods
  • Accessing elements in a Tuple
  • Tuple Slicing
  • Update Tuple
  • Unpack Tuple
  • Concatenation of Tuples
  • Changing and deleting Tuples
  • Python Tuple Methods
  • Accessing Elements from a Dictionary
  • Add/Change Elements in a Dictionary
  • Nested Dictionary
  • Deleting Elements from Dictionary
  • Dictionary Methods
  • Adding Elements to a Set
  • Accessing a Set
  • Removing Elements from a Set
  • Set Methods
  • Syntax of Function
  • Types of Functions
  • Docstring
  • Arguments
  • Recursion in Python
  • Python Recursive Function
  • Lambda functions in Python
  • Modules in python
  • Packages
  • Class
  • Object
  • Inheritance
  • iterators
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Python Objects and Class
  • Constructors in Python
  • Deleting Attributes and objects
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Syntax Error
  • Exceptions
  • Try and Except in Exception Handling
  • Raising Exception
  • Python Errors and Built-in Exceptions
  • Open a file in Python
  • Close a file in Python
  • Write to file in Python
  • Read files in Python
  • Python directory and files management
  • Introduction to Pickle
  • Storing Data with Pickles
  • Pickling files
  • Unpickling files
  • Introduction to SQLite
  • Installation
  • Connect to Database
  • Create a Table
  • Insert Operation
  • Select Operation
  • Update Operation
  • Delete Operation
  • Where Clause
  • And & OR Clause
  • Like Clause
  • Limit Clause
  • Order By Clause
  • Group By Clause
  • Having Clause
  • Distinct Clause
  • Introduction to Tkinter
  • Widgets in Tkinter
  • Geometry Management
  • Organizing Layout and Widgets
  • Binding Functions
  • Mouse Clicking Events
  • Drop-Down Menus
  • Alert Box
  • Simple Shapes
  • Image and Icons
  • What is NumPy in Python?
  • Why Use NumPy?
  • What are Pandas?
  • Why use Pandas?
  • What can Pandas do?
Algorithm design Automation with Python scripts Basic syntax & data structure Database connectivity Error handling and debugging Machine learning and AI Object-oriented programing Using libraries and modules Web development

Trending Software Development Courses With Certificate in 2024

At eCare Upskill, we provide high-quality courses covering a diverse range of subjects and interests such as programming, digital marketing, business management, design, and many more.

Meet your Expert Trainer

Hi, I'm

Sharad Sahoo


I am the CTO at Ecare Upskill with extensive experience in PHP, Python, React, and NodeJS. I lead the development of cutting-edge software solutions that meet diverse client needs. As your mentor, I'll support you throughout your journey, offering guidance to help you grow professionally and technically. Let's take the next step in your career together.

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Why Choose eCare Upskill

Industry-Driven Curriculum

Learn from IT

Our trainers aren't just teachers, they're also experienced IT professionals working in the IT industry. They'll teach you actual IT industry needed skills rather than theory.

Expert-Led Instruction

Learn From

Learn while working or studying from any location and using any device.

Personalised Attention


20+ job-ready skills are available in today's most in-demand IT domains. Learn skills with one-to-one training from IT professionals.

Free Resources


We believe that anyone who wants to learn should have the chance to do so. That's why we're offering online courses at affordable fees and EMI options.

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Training Approach

Our training focuses a lot on practical skills and real-world examples. This helps our students get ready for jobs.

Free Resources

Certificate of

After the course, you'll earn a 'Certificate of Completion' to enhance your professional profile, demonstrate dedication to skill improvement, and expand career opportunities.

Student's Feedback - eCare Upskill Training Program 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language known for its readability and simplicity. Learning Python is beneficial because it can open up numerous career opportunities in fields like web development, data analysis, machine learning, and more.

No prior programming experience is required for Python online courses. These courses are designed for beginners and cover the fundamentals of programming and Python.

Python online courses cover a range of topics, including basic syntax, data types, control structures, object-oriented programming, web development using frameworks like Django.

Our Python online courses provide support through discussion forums, chat rooms, where you can ask questions and seek assistance. Instructors or mentors are also available to offer guidance and help you overcome challenges.

Python courses offer certificates of completion. These certificates are a valuable addition to your resume and showcase your proficiency in Python to potential employers.

Progress in Python courses is typically evaluated through quizzes and assignments. Instructors and peers provide feedback to help you refine your skills.

Python is a highly sought-after skill in the tech industry, and completing a reputable Python online course can significantly enhance your job prospects.

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