Online Flutter Course

Learn Dart and Flutter to create android and ios app


Ecare Upskill's online Flutter course teaches cross-platform app development using Flutter's robust framework. Learn to craft sleek, responsive mobile apps for Android and iOS. Elevate your career with hands-on projects and expert guidance.

Price ₹6,000 ₹999

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Online flutter course

2 weeks

Live sessions


No Pre-recorded lecture

Course Content

  • Flutter Introduction Demo 1
  • Flutter Introduction Demo 2
  • Setup Flutter & IDE
  • Running App on Real Device and Creating Virtual Device
  • Dart Introduction
  • Variables
  • DataTypes and Input Output Dart
  • Nullable Type
  • Functions
  • Class, Object and Constructor
  • Basic Dart Program
  • Prime No, Armstrong No
  • Inheritence
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction and Mixin classes
  • Fabonacci series, Palindrome
  • Use of extends, implements and with
  • Basic Keywords
  • High Order Functions
  • Stepping into Flutter, Architecture, All About Widgets
  • New Project Create, Intro of Stateless Widget, Explaining main.dart
  • Basic Widgets Container, Center, Padding, SizedBox
  • Row and Column, Wrap & Single Child Scroll View
  • Text and Image
  • TextField
  • Buttons & InkWell
  • ListView and Types
  • ListTile and CircleAvatar
  • GridView & Types, GridTile
  • Stack, Positioned, Align, Card
  • Stateful Widget and SetState
  • BMI App and Stateful Builder
  • Tip Calculator App
  • Navigation, Multiple Pages App, pushNamed
  • Splash Screen & Bundle Passing
  • VCS (GitHub) Intro
  • GitHub Practical (Branches, pull, rebase)
  • Animations Intro
  • Implicit Animations Part 1
  • Implicit Animations Part 2
  • Hero, Animation Controller, Listener
  • Tween Animation
  • Animation Builder
  • Lottie Animation
  • Rive Animation
  • Rive into Flutter
  • App Bar & FloatingActionButton
  • Tab Bar
  • Drawer
  • Bottom Navigation Bar
  • Shared Prefrences Intro
  • Maintaining Session with Shared Pref
  • Database Intro
  • Creating Model and fromMap, toMap
  • SQFLITE Add Data & Fetch Data
  • Update and Delete
  • Drift Package implementation
  • State Management Intro
  • Introduction to Provider
  • MultiProvider, Consumer ContextFlow
  • Introduction to Cubit
  • MultiBlocProvider, BlocBuilder, BlocListener, BlocConsumer, Manging States
  • Introduction to Bloc
  • Managing Events and States
  • Login and Signup on Local Database
  • Use of MediaQuery
  • OrientationBuilder, LayoutBuilder, Fittedbox, Flexible, TextScaleFactor
  • Theme Dark and Light
  • Theme Dark and Light using Provider
  • API Introduction
  • FutureBuilder and Api handling in app
  • API handling using BLOC
  • Handling API Exceptions
  • Wallpaper App
  • Set Wallpaper & Save Wallpaper
  • Download Manager in Flutter
  • Firebase Intro
  • Firestore Write Data (Collections & Docments)
  • Firestore Read Data & Query Data
  • Email Auth
  • Phone Auth via OTP
  • Firebase Storage
  • Image Picker and Image Cropper, Uploading image
  • Notification in Flutter
  • FCM
  • Audio Player
  • Video Player
  • Google Maps
  • GPS
  • Integrating Ads
  • Making App LIVE (Playstore)
  • Making App LIVE (Appstore)
  • Making App LIVE (Web Hosting)
  • Resume Building
  • Resume Overview
  • Interview Prepration
  • 1 Live Interview session
  • E-Commerce App in Firebase (Live Project)
  • Expense Ap
  • Notes App
  • ToDo App
  • Remainder App
  • News App
  • Weather App
  • ChatBot App
  • Chat App
API Integration Cross-platform development Dart Programming Debugging and Testing Flutter Framework Mobile App Design State Management Widget Creation

Trending Software Development Courses With Certificate in 2024

At eCare Upskill, we provide high-quality courses covering a diverse range of subjects and interests such as programming, digital marketing, business management, design, and many more.

Meet your Expert Trainer

Hi, I'm

Jayveersinh Mahida


My name is Jayveersinh, and I am an experienced Software Developer specializing in Flutter, Kotlin, and Mobile App Development. I have a strong passion for creating mobile applications and sharing my knowledge. With years of experience, I am thrilled to be your trainer and help you excel in the field of software development. Together, we will learn and progress to unlock your maximum potential.


Why Choose eCare Upskill

Industry-Driven Curriculum

Learn from IT

Our trainers aren't just teachers, they're also experienced IT professionals working in the IT industry. They'll teach you actual IT industry needed skills rather than theory.

Expert-Led Instruction

Learn From

Learn while working or studying from any location and using any device.

Personalised Attention


20+ job-ready skills are available in today's most in-demand IT domains. Learn skills with one-to-one training from IT professionals.

Free Resources


We believe that anyone who wants to learn should have the chance to do so. That's why we're offering online courses at affordable fees and EMI options.

Free Resources

Training Approach

Our training focuses a lot on practical skills and real-world examples. This helps our students get ready for jobs.

Free Resources

Certificate of

After the course, you'll earn a 'Certificate of Completion' to enhance your professional profile, demonstrate dedication to skill improvement, and expand career opportunities.

Student's Feedback - eCare Upskill Training Program 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Flutter is an open-source UI software development framework created by Google, known for its ability to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Learning Flutter is advantageous because it allows you to develop cross-platform applications efficiently, reducing development time and costs.

While prior programming experience can be helpful, Ecare Upskill's Flutter online courses are designed to cater to beginners. These courses cover fundamental concepts and gradually introduce more advanced topics.

Flutter online courses usually cover topics such as widget-based UI development, state management, navigation, working with APIs, and creating cross-platform applications for iOS and Android.

Flutter online courses provide support through discussion forums, and chat. Instructors or mentors are available to answer questions and provide guidance. Additionally, some courses offer peer support and collaborative projects.

Many Flutter courses offer certificates of completion. These certificates are valuable additions to your resume and can demonstrate your Flutter skills to potential employers or clients.

Progress in Flutter courses is typically evaluated through quizzes, and assignments. Feedback from instructors and peers helps you improve your skills and understanding.

Flutter is gaining prominence in the mobile app development industry, and completing a reputable Flutter online course can significantly enhance your job prospects. Seek courses from well-established institutions or platforms known for quality training.

Flutter online courses do not have strict prerequisites. However, some familiarity with programming concepts can be helpful. You'll need a computer with an internet connection and software tools like the Flutter SDK and a code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code).

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